Free Motivational iPhone Wallpaper Images

In honor of my first month back to work I created some cute free motivational iPhone wallpaper images using Rhonna Design App. You can read about Rhonna and her app here. I like to put a motivational quote on my lock screen to remind me to always be grateful and see the beauty in the simple things! 🙂

Just click on each picture, screen shot it, then upload it from your photos to use as your wallpaper image.

And thanks so much to all of my clients for making …

Thank you!

I love New Years! I usually don’t set resolutions but this year I did…and one of them is to put some work into my blog! Because I have been slightly absent lately in case you didn’t notice! Honestly, I’m thrilled I remembered my login information!

On top of updating my blog, my other resolutions are to drink more water, sign my 8 year old up for music lessons, and train for a half marathon. What about you? Do you believe in resolutions? If so, what do you want to accomplish this …