I love the 4th of July!!!

First off I need to apologize for neglecting my blog. I have been super busy enjoying the summer time 🙂 and this HOT weather! Whew! It’s supposed to get up to 106 here in St. George today! I am running out of summer cloths for work, guess I’ll have to get some shopping in 🙂

A lot of my clients have been wanting patriotic nails these days and I love it! I LOVE our great country and the day we celebrate our independence!

I will try to do better at writing …

I pampered myself!

I would like to start off by saying that I have the best job in the world! As a matter of fact I decided to switch my BA in education to a BA in business because I love my job so much! I have worn many career hats over the years. In fact I am going to lust them just for S&G’s 🙂

1980’s: babysit neighbor kids, work with dad on handy man projects
1990’s: motel housekeeping at the Shady Motel in Caliente, NV; short stint as pianist at a restaurant in …

Lace + feathers + glitter = fun!

Here are some super cute nails I did on a super cute girl named Aly. She warned me she had an idea….boy did she ever! She showed up with a little piece of lace and the rest is history…..let me just say its a good thing I adore Aly because these were a labor of love. And she fully understands this 🙂 I am bound and determined to figure our a way of doing lace in a quicker fashion though because it’s so dang cute! And I know everyone will …


Oh my goodness it’s been a crazy year! But I’ve been busy doing some super cute nails. Here are some of my favorites

My whole family just got back from a five day camp out at San Clemente state park in California and I’m gonna leave you with a picture of my favorite beach because all I can think about is being at the beach! 🙂

Here’s what I did today!

I had a busy day today! In fact, I’ve had a busy month! Thank you to all my amazing clients! I love you!

I first gave Lorraine a manicure and talked her into the new color Gouda Gouda Two Shoes from OPI Holland Collection. Lorraine has beautiful nails and she claims it is because she drinks Boost so everyone drink up!

Cami came in for gel toes and I love how they turned out! Super cute and perfect for spring 🙂 it was so nice to meet you cami and I …