Feature Friday–Crossfit, Kids, and Cottages…

If you follow me on social media, you might have noticed I LOVE Pinterest. It is definitely my biggest guilty pleasure. I still remember when Brenda Blake introduced me to it while I was giving her a pedicure a few years back. It’s been a passionate love affair with pinning ever since…

I’ve pinned thousands of amazing ideas but just recently decided I was going to start investigating the “Pinner behind the Pin” and thank goodness I did because I’ve found the most amazing blogs written by the most incredible people. …

Transitioning from a working mom to a stay at home “working” mom

I have three days of work left. All my clients and friends have been asking if I’m excited to be able to stay home with my son. I’ve thought about it a lot and I’ve come to the conclusion that I am totally excited to be with Westin more and be home more, but totally scared of this major life change! There are so many “what if’s” and I don’t handle the unknown well. As I was explaining this to one of my clients she so wisely told me life …