Facebook Name Change Crisis

facebook name change

Hello! I am here today because I’ve been trying to change my Facebook page for months and my last resort is to post it on my website that I would greatly appreciate it if Facebook would let me change my name back to Chic Nail Styles, even though I’ve got it posted on my Facebook page as my username and a link to my website. Haha. So please bare with me as I do this quick post for Bahar at Facebook.

facebook name change crisis

Facebook Name Change Crisis

Dear Bahar,

Please let me change my Facebook name back to Chic Nail Styles. I don’t need to announce a rebrand on my website because my name has always been Chic Nail Styles. I went through this funny phase where I thought I might change it to Nomadic Nails and Beauty, but alas, that phase did not last. It was a cool name, but a bad business decision. I’m sure you can understand. So please Bahar, I beg of you, allow me to have back my Facebook page.

Thank you so much for your support. My business has always been Chic Nail Styles as you can read in this first blog post I did almost ten years ago. November 8th, 2009 was my first day at Nail School in Washington, Utah. Wow, has it really been that long, but not that long? Does that make sense? It feels like a century ago, but ten years really isn’t all that long!

Make My Decade Bahar

My life has changed so much in ten years. I’m a mom of two boys now and been through a few jobs since then. How about you Bahar? What have your last ten years been like? I genuinely would love to know. What’s it like working for Facebook? It seems like it might be a cool company to work for, but then maybe it’s too corporate? Leave a comment for me and make my decade! 🙂 Here’s a picture of some of the first nails I ever did just for a little flashback Friday…

first set of nails in nail school
Fun Harvest Nails! 🙂

And anyone else reading this, if I still have a few readers out there, what have your last ten years been like? I would seriously be so happy to about them! I’m thinking I need to do a ten year celebration party on here…which reminds me I should announce I am working on a big website remodel and I am so excited about it! Buuuuuuuut…none of that can happen till Bahar lets me change my Facebook name! lol So say a prayer for me if you don’t mind!

And oh my goodness enjoy this cute picture of my grandma Irene getting a pedicure during my first month of nail school. I sure miss her. She was such a good client of mine…she supported me 100% and never questioned my decision to become a nail tech. A decision I have never once regretted. It was such a great career and something I know I can always go back to because I loved it so much!

grandma getting pedicure
Her first pedicure 🙂

Thanks for all your help Bahar! I am so sorry I am such a big pain in the butt of a user and I promise you I will never change my Facebook name again. Happy Friday!


by Anna

2 thoughts on “Facebook Name Change Crisis

  1. Mary C Russell Russell says:

    Wow! I didn’t read this before. So glad I opened up your blog and read this. I will add my plea to BaHar as well….if this is a VIP business move that Anna Williams needs to make and I don’t see how it will affect BaHar or FB for her to get her old name back up….please let her do this. We are all working as a team, whether we realize it or not. We need each other to progress sometimes. No point in holding someone back. Let’s all work for the good of all! Anna is a team player and one of the biggest helpers I know of. I hope she can get past this hole in the road.

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